The Long Creek National Recreation Trail, located very near and in between Honker and Hematite Lakes, is paved and handicapped-accessible. This trail is ideal for individuals who use wheelchairs or have a tough time getting around.
The trail is very scenic. It has a printed guide at the trailhead so users can spot and distinguish different types of habitat along the way. At only two-tenths of a mile and completely flat, anyone can enjoy a taste of this environment.
The back of the trail is a loop that parallels Long Creek, the stream that empties Hematite Lake. The “right-of-way” along the trail is mowed and maintained, so users have an opportunity to explore some of the area around the creek. As we were walking toward the creek, we spotted a gorgeous Green Snake Rough. These insect-eaters are completely harmless and can be handled, but we didn’t bother and let him on his way.

Walking further around the loop we saw movement in the grass and heard a “plop” in the water nearby – another snake, but we didn’t see what kind it was. At this point, we had seen three snakes in the last 15 minutes, so we decided to be on the lookout. We aren’t “herpers” and have no experience with snakes.
Not 25 feet further, I spotted a five-foot long Black Racer. This one startled me because of his size. He didn’t move or seem bothered by us as we walked on with a careful eye on the critter.
After the loop, we headed back down the trail to the car. It was a great little hike that netted us some awesome wildlife viewing. However, if you don’t like snakes, you probably don’t want to take this trail. Chances are you’ll spot one or two, or even four! Maybe check it out in the winter?